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Please be aware that significant Stamp Duty Land Tax changes will take effect on 1st April 2025. In order to estimate your tax, and to ensure that you will have sufficient funds to complete your transaction in the event that completion takes place after 31st March 2025, please use the updated SDLT calculator. We will, of course, do everything we can to keep you updated on the progress of your transaction and resolve any issues as quickly as possible. We cannot, however guarantee completion dates or be liable for increased SDLT costs in the event of completion being delayed.


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Claims and Disputes

Including disputes relating to property, wills and estates and employment

Commercial Property

Including sales, purchases,

leases and new build

Family Law

Including divorce, finance
and children

Portrait with Hands Clasped

Personal Injury
and Medical Negligence

Including accidents at work, road traffic accidents, dog bite claims and public liability claims

House in the Woods

Residential Property

Including sales, purchases,

leases and new build


Wills, Probate & Lasting Powers of Attorney

Assisting you in the preparation and registration of documents



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